Tribal Heart Retreat –

A Tantric Journey from Stillness to Celebration 

This retreat is an invitation to deeply rest, rejuvenate and renew.


‘Come as you are, be as you wish’-Matt Khan


We will start our journey moving inwards, connecting to all that is present in our body, mind and hearts. From here, we can authentically move our awareness outwards, connecting with Source, each other and nature.

The programme will include tantric processes, sharing circles, breathwork, ecstatic dance, active meditations, shamanic ritual, silence, ceremony and wild celebration.


Come rest you bones on the lap of Earth Mother,

breathe, breathe and be still.

Come warm your body by the light of the fire,

breathe, breathe and be still.

Let the sacred waters cleanse your body and mind,

breathe, breathe and be still.

May the air open your wings and lighten your heart ,

breathe, breathe and be still.


The main focus of this retreat is to deepen our connection to all aspects of ourselves from the light to the shadow and everything in-between. There will be periods of stillness, silence and integration as well as fun and pleasure.

There may be an invitation for optional nudity in some of the processes; your boundaries, consent and individual requirements will always be respected.



Little Earth is a beautiful venue in a lovely rural Somerset location near Glastonbury Town. The cost is for three nights, full board with veggie/vegan meals and a shared dorm with either one or two other people. We will have a ritual fire ceremony and enjoy the luxury of a hot tub to warm us through the November evenings.



Thursday 23/11/23-Sunday 26/11/23



(Installment plans are available, please ask)

£425 early bird if paid before 31/10/23

£465 Full price

x1 Bursary place available at a reduced cost, if you would love to come but cannot afford the full price.


To book a place please send money to-

Tara McGuinness


Sort code-40-01-15


Please put your name as the reference and email Tara on to inform that you have made a transfer.

This is an alcohol and drug free retreat


About the facilitators:-



Tara is the founder of Tribalheart and Divine Body Bliss. She is a qualified hypnotherapist, body/massage therapist, breath coach and mental health nurse. She is passionate about connecting with what brings us pleasure and moving beyond mind, using embodiment tools and breath to enter the sacred realms.



Atmo is an explorer of ecstatic states of consciousness. He is an ecstatic dance DJ, tantra and breathwork practitioner with over 10 years experience. He brings authenticity playfulness and depth





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